Events at Art Box

Since opening in 2004 as Beverley Frost's art studio the building at 1/16 Loftus Street has hosted various well supported exhibitions. As we develop Art Box Gallery the intention is to hold a number of similar events. An exhibition is always challenging and exciting as new works are painstakingly created. All of our artists are passionate about their work and the building certainly gives us a great venue for showing and discussing art. Looking to buy art in Christchurch? Look no further!
Art Box is also a building with a great acoustic attitude and we have been able to host a number of small concerts that have been a hit with the attendees. Whatever goes on at Art Box we have a simple objective - encouraging creativity and this is especially the case as Christchurch rebuilds after numerous quakes.
Art Box is also a building with a great acoustic attitude and we have been able to host a number of small concerts that have been a hit with the attendees. Whatever goes on at Art Box we have a simple objective - encouraging creativity and this is especially the case as Christchurch rebuilds after numerous quakes.
How to choose art for your home
In conjunction with Ray White's in Papanui, we held a joint fundraising event in August entitled 'How to choose art for your home' . Our local networking business group meet regularly and so it was a great opportunity to work together with Vanessa Golightly to run an informative couple of sessions and invite those interested to come. A lovely mini lunch and coffee and tea was supplied and this relaxed session allowed time for questions. A small selection of art from Art Box was available and the two groups that attended were able to pop over to the gallery at the end of each session. Thanks to all who supported Ronald McDonald house by attending this event. Information sheets are available at the gallery if you missed the sessions and would like to know more.
December 2022 Christmas Hamper Draw.
For any purchases over $50 from December 1st to the 21st 2022 you will be entered into our annual hamper draw. The hamper is stuffed with lovely goodies to share with friends and family over the festive period. Sadly we can't include overseas purchases, family or artists in this draw but someone will be the lucky winner soon!
Grand opening of Saunders & Co Lawyers Papanui Branch
Following the installation of a number of pieces of original New Zealand art to Saunders & Co's new offices in Papanui, we were asked if we would exhibit a number of works for the grand opening celebration evening. A large crowd of clients, staff and local businesses were invited for bubbles and nibbles and a very pleasant evening was had by all.
Art Beat - A decade of Art
Our tenth birthday at Art Box!
We weren't going to let Covid-19 ruin our 10th birthday celebrations so we had an online party instead! With over 100 ten inch paintings created by our talented artists we set about celebrating with sales by emails from 2pm Sunday 12th September. Thanks to all of our amazing supporters it was a raging success and we were still answering emails late that night and sales since the day as well. Clients didn't miss out on mini bubbles and hand wrapped biscuits on collection day a week later. Lots of works were shipped around the country as a complimentary service and a fun time was had by all! We are so grateful to be in business ten years so thank you everyone.
Rotary Group visit 2019

Great to have a local Rotary Group visit the gallery this month for drinks and nibbles. What a pleasure to host an evening for this positive group who are full of energy for better outcomes in the community and wider afield. Each person is committed to service and to improve the lot of others and they come from a wide variety of businesses. We were happy to share with them the Art Box philosophy of accessible art for all in a relaxed environment at affordable prices. A great night team and thanks for turning up on such a cold wet evening!
Canterbury Home Show 2018
March 23rd to 25th 2018 saw Art Box Gallery and Swift Interior Designs join forces to showcase our businesses at the Canterbury Home Show at the Horncastle Arena in Christchurch. Thanks to Resene for sponsoring us and providing the goodies and opportunity. Sore feet and croaky voices after three days of chatting to many new faces but heaps of fun and with all those new builds and renovations coming we are looking forward to working with some of the visitors to the show in the coming months.
Christmas Hamper Draw 2017
This year Art Box Gallery has decided to open the Christmas hamper draw giveaway to any visitor that comes through the door in December. We close for the holidays on Friday 22nd December so anytime before that feel free to pop in, say hi, look at the art and leave your email details in the visitor book. All the names will be put in a hat and randomly drawn on Friday 22nd just in time for the lucky winner to come and collect the prize.Our lovely goodie box is full of treats, bubbles, nibbles and yummy Christmas fare. Come on down soon to 1/16 Loftus Street Papanui and give it a try. Hours Tuesday to Fridays 11-4pm and Saturday 11-2pm. Easy parking.
Groups that visit Art Box Gallery
On a regular basis, lovely groups, art collecting clubs, University of the Third Age, and painting groups come to visit our space. We are happy to give a little talk about artists and the gallery and some of our groups return regularly. We are always happy to host such events and should there be a large group we ask if you can arrange prior to the day of your visit. You can call us on 03 3528940 or email us at [email protected] to make arrangements. We would like to remind you that we have stairs at the gallery. We do have disabled parking right under the gallery to assist.
Interior designer night at Art Box
Fun evening giving a a talk to a lovely group of local interior designers this week. Happy to share our story and our art to this group who meet regularly to socialize and learn about related businesses with a focus on art this month. Thanks for coming and appreciating what we have on offer here. Art Box looks forward to helping you with your clients' art requirements whether home based or commercial in the near future. Cheese and wine provided along with these goodie bags and our winner of the draw, Sally left with a painting as well!
5th Birthday Spring and Interiors Show
Art Box Gallery is delighted to be celebrating our 5th birthday. In order to celebrate we joined forces with local interior designer Treena Swift from Swift Designs to create a Spring and Interiors open day. Alongside our beautiful, original artworks we showcased stunning fabrics, papers and cushions to great effect. We were very happy that a steady stream of visitors came and celebrate with us over the day. Bubbles and nibbles were served, goodie bags and 4 luxury prizes were handed out and won. Thanks to all our wonderful clients for all your support over the last 5 years - we appreciate you all!
June 2016 Art Box Gallery visits the Hampstead Affordable Art Show London
During a recent trip to the UK, Art Box Owners were excited to be able to spend a happy arty day browsing the Hampstead Affordable Art Show in London. With thousands of visitors and artworks from galleries all around the world, it was a visual feast with contemporary paintings, sculptures, prints and ceramics. This four day event is run by gallery owners selling work on behalf of the artists they represent rather than the artists themselves. We couldn't resist purchasing an art work ourselves by an artist from Richmond which now hangs in our home reminding us of a special day.
Art group meeting April 2016
Art Box Gallery was delighted to host an arty evening for a local art collecting group last week. Artists Gail Batchelor and Paul Smith chatted about their work and techniques as well as information about Nigel Wilson and others with work at the gallery. Bubbles and cheeses were enjoyed and a fun and informative night was had by all with great feedback.
Gallery newsletter back on track November 2015
If you are not a subscriber to the Art Box Gallery® Newsletter now might be a good time to sign-up. It's easy with a subscription box at the bottom of each page of the website. We are going to be sending more regular newsletters in the future - hopefully once a quarter.
The newsletter helps you stay in touch with the latest developments at the gallery and in the recently sent 'Show Weekend edition' we have some great art. Our mailing list has become pretty substantial over the last four years and it is clear there are a lot of art lovers out there. We believe electronic newsletters are a great and environmentally sensitive way to cover specific artists and their work, and to keep our customers informed of what's happening at the gallery. It is pleasing to have very few un-subscribers whenever a letter goes out so do join us. |
Pre Christmas nibbles and bubbles 2014
A fun and relaxing night was held on December 9th when a group visited to celebrate art and life at Art Box Gallery®. Lively conversation, music and laughter was the order of the evening in the surroundings of beautiful original art. Over the years we have made the gallery available for various small functions involving people who are interested in Christchurch and South Island Art.
Evening event for September 2014

Our recent evening function was held this week for a lovely group of over 20 ladies who wanted a novel, interesting space to host their social gathering. With wine, nibbles and a short talk on our talented artists and the history behind the start up of our local Christchurch gallery the evening was enjoyed by all. If you would like to discuss Art Box hosting such an event for a group you belong to, then please contact Beverley on 03 3528940 or email us at [email protected]
Art Box Gallery at the Christchurch Art Show
During the weekend of June 19th-22nd 2014. Art Box was pleased to be part of this new event which was held at Wigram Airforce base. With our bright orange stand we met many new art lovers as well as some of our regular clients. Over 200 artists from all over the country and 5 galleries participated and well over 5000 people attended the show. With it being a cash and carry event, the art was constantly changing so there was plenty of great choice. Here is a selection of images of our stand at the show.

At Art Box we enjoy hosting small events for interested parties. Our most recent Christmas function was a pleasant mix of art, talks and refreshments for a peer group at Pegasus Health. Should you wish to hold such an event please contact me at the gallery or you can ring 03 3528940. We enjoy showcasing our local artists and at the same time your event has an interesting environment.
Art Box Gallery's new transport

Watch out for the new gallery staff car which is zipping around Christchurch to deliver modern, affordable art to businesses and homes in the region. You can't miss the bright orange splashes of paint and the gallery logo. Our clients are enjoying the service we offer of trying out artwork in their homes and also hanging the chosen work if required. It's amazing what you can fit into a Cube! Many thanks for the design team at Slipstream Creative, Nic Andrews and Marcelle Galbraith. We are really getting noticed. Remember to toot if you see me out and about.
Venus Women's Networking Function
Wednesday 3rd July was a buzz at Art Box Gallery with women from a huge variety of business backgrounds coming together for an after five function which was held at Art Box Gallery. Venus Networking is a national group who meet around New Zealand to share ideas, information and knowledge as well as support and encourage other women in their business areas. This function involved the Central Christchurch group with the Rangiora group and other guests were also invited and welcome. Emma Henry from Henry Construction, Carol Hannagan from Strategy Law and Beverley Frost from Art Box Gallery spoke about their businesses and answered questions from the group. Catering was provided along with the bubbles by Debra Batt from Food Delicious. Congratulations to Norma Marriot who won our painting prize for the evening. Truly inspirational!
Art appreciation evening
Art Box Gallery welcomed 20 local art lovers from local art appreciation group Art600 for a fun evening of wine, food and paintings. Three of our talented local artists, Christine King, Jillian Wordsworth and Paul Smith gave a brief overview of their art practices. The artists answered questions and chatted about what inspires them and how their work has evolved. We welcome local groups who would enjoy such an evening to contact us at the gallery 03 3528940.
1st Birthday Celebrations!
Art Box Gallery is now one year old and what a great year it has been. We welcomed back our existing clients and met many new ones in this months group show. Congratulations to G Heath for winning the draw and taking away a $1000 painting. Thank you for continuing to support your local artists. We hope you enjoyed the lovely new works and the birthday cake. Art is still alive and kicking in Christchurch.
Open Box at Art Box

Open Box at Art box was held in June to showcase new works in the gallery and to promote a relaxing, fun day out in the city. Over 120 guests attended the open day and enjoyed the music by talented jazz duo, Le Fresh and soaked up the atmosphere and vibrant colour. Congratulations to the winners of our original paintings, we hope they are gracing your walls at home. Despite the cold weather outside, our guests enjoyed a glass of bubbles and were warm and dry at Art Box. A great way to spend a winters day.
The George Hotel support Art Box Gallery artists

A joint Exhibition of recent works by Paul Smith and Beverley Frost opened at the beginning of March 2012 at The George Hotel, Park Terrace, Christchurch. It has been organised by Arts Canterbury who have been supporting local artists in a joint venture with this small luxury hotel near the centre of the city. It runs until the end of March. More images can be seen on the Art Box Gallery face book site. Reception will direct you to the venue and coffee can be enjoyed at the hotels' cafe. Thanks to Arts Canterbury and Wally Reyn from the George Hotel for assisting in this project.
Christmas at Art Box

Christmas at Art Box Gallery was a successful month with many new pieces on display. The tree was laden with many miniature paintings which were very popular gifts. Due to a violent set of quakes at the end of the month, we closed a little earlier than anticipated. We hope you enjoyed our Christmas show and had a special time with families and friends.
Christchurch Earthquake Show, Blenheim.

December 2011 involved the culmination of several months of organisation for an exhibition offered to quake affected artists in Canterbury by The Marlborough Society of Arts. Thirty one local artists including the majority at Art Box Gallery, took part in a show in Blenheim at The Marlborough Gallery. Each artist submitted a sort story of their experiences following the earthquakes. Fastways Couriers kindly offered two way transport for the eighty paintings exhibited and local businesses supported the opening night with printing and food for the event. The show was over a month in duration and the art society kindly donated all their time, effort and commission sales to The Canterbury Earthquake Relief Fund. Thanks go to Jannifer and David Goddens for their assistance and support over this time.
October Promotion
Until the end of October, Art Box Gallery is offering all visitors to the gallery a chance to go in to the draw to win a $500 voucher for a painting of your choice by Beverley Frost. No purchase is required just an e-mail address. Parking is available under the gallery. Hours are Tuesday to Friday 11am to 4pm and Saturday 11am to 2pm. See you soon.
13th September 2011

Photography by Anna Jamieson & Gilbert Weallans (CC Magazine).
Tuesday 13th September 2011 was the official launch of Art Box Gallery. Seventy guests and artists were in attendance and Graham Wardrop, fresh from his tour of Canada and Europe, played for us. We were delighted and encouraged that our special guests, Mayor Bob Parker and Mayoress Joanna Nicholls-Parker, both avid art lovers, agreed to attend the opening. Mayor Parker gave a speech and a toast to celebrate the launch and he and Joanna kindly signed a painted canvas to commemorate the evening. This caused amusement when the Mayor wrote around the sides of the painting that he did not paint the canvas unlike previous politicians! The evening was especially enjoyable to many who attended as there has been a lack of social events due to the earthquakes. We agreed that art has an important part to play in the recovery process of Christchurch city.
12th September 2011

Beverley Frost from Art Box Gallery was delighted to be interviewed by Kineta Knight for City Life on Canterbury Television (CTV) this week. It was a great opportunity to explain how Art Box has developed and the story behind the artists who exhibit with us. City Life also showed images of our art works and we discussed the planned official opening by Mayor Bob Parker and Mayoress Jo Nicholls-Parker.
5th September 2011

Our bright new logo designed by Lisa Ferguson really stands out on the side wall of Art Box Gallery. Take a look down Loftus Street from Main North Road and you won't fail to see our bright orange sign. The gallery looks like a box in its shape and it stands alone and you will find parking under the building. Watch out for our new footpath sign coming soon.
1st August 2011
We are pleased that the Art Box Gallery website is available with effect from today. Hopefully this will give visitors to a good overview of the gallery and we look forward to uploading more details of our great team of artists in the near future. Watch this space.
23rd July 2011

Ahead of the official opening of Art Box Gallery we decided to develop a presence on Facebook. Check out our site at facebook for all the latest news and images of new works, artists and special guests. We welcome your comments and ideas and we hope you enjoy the updates as they appear.